1701 New Jersey Avenue
Wildwood NJ 08260
Office: 609.522.4999
Fax: 1.866.571.9766
Do we
sell property?
Yes we
Realty Group is a
full-service real estate
brokerage dedicated to
finding you that perfect
shore property. We serve
the entire South Jersey
Shore Area from
Brigantine to the
Wildwoods plus mainland
Somers Point.
Now more
than ever is the best
time to consider
realizing that dream of
owning a property at the
shore. Our professional
sales team is standing

house above to have
New Sale Listings
Sent to you
Ocean City Real
Jersey Shore Real Estate
Buy Wildwood
Buy Stone Harbor and
Somers Point Real Estate
Rent in Wildwood
Buy Sea Isle
Fasy Real Estate
Buy Ocean City, NJ
Buy the Seashore
Ocean City, NJ
Buy Somers Point
Wildwood ..
Wildwood has big,
beautiful beaches that
are FREE, beach
concerts, a great
with all the
shopping, rides, roller
coasters, games,
miniature golf,
boardwalk food for all,
pizza, ice cream, french
fries, deep sea fishing,
charter boats, sea-doo
rentals, sailing,
magnificent sunsets at
Sunset Lake, great
an exciting
nightlife, parades, car
shows, Hot rods, Irish
weekends, Harley
weekend, Fireman's
Hereford Lighthouse,
Doo-Wop museum,
Convention Center,
Pacific Avenue shopping,
a full calendar of
nearby attractions -
Cape May County zoo,
historic and quaint Cape
May, ferry to Lewes, DE,
Atlantic City casinos,
Stone Harbor shopping,
village of Cold Spring,
and so much more
on the boardwalk and other places in Wildwood
Nightlife in
Wildwood - clubs, bars
and cafes to go after hours when the boardwalk closes
Looking for other things to see and do? -
for 2011
Hereford Lighthouse
- a must see lighthouse with its gardens, nautical museum
plus more
Wildwoods Convention Center
- state of the art convention center located at Burke Avenue and the
There are many things to see and do in
The Wildwoods. Special events are planned throughout the
entire year. You can go to the best beaches in South
Jersey to swim and sun, enjoy the rides and "carnival
games" on the boardwalk or go to the water parks. You
can just walk on the boardwalk, ride a tram or ride
bikes on the boards and all around the island.
rentals are available in numerous places in North
Wildwood, Wildwood and Wildwood Crest. You can ride
bikes until 11:00 AM on weekdays and 10:30 am on
weekends and holidays. No skating allowed.
You can ride bikes on the boardwalk or
ride along a designated bicycle path from Anglesea to
26th Avenue all along Surf Avenue in the city of
Wildwood. Wildwood Crest has a paved beachfront bike
path and North Wildwood has a path that runs from the
end of the Boardwalk at 16th Avenue north to 2nd Avenue.
There are so many things
to see and do in The Wildwoods. Besides the boating and
nightlife and museums, you can take
yourself and the kids
miniature golfing
or how about bowling. Besides the boardwalk and beach
activities, there are museums and the famous Hereford
Lighthouse. If you want to play golf, there are
excellent golf courses in the area and of course -
miniature golf courses as well. If fishing and boating
is what you enjoy - then The Wildwoods is the place to
Cape May
Times Wildwood Vacation Guide
Doo Wop
- a taste of the 50's in Wildwood
Hereford Lighthouse
and Coast Guard Tower - 1st and
Central Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4520
Other New Jersey
Lighthouses - list of all the
lighthouses in New Jersey
Cape May County Park
and Zoo - Garden State Parkway - Exit
Whaling Wall by
Wyland - Garfield
Avenue and the Boardwalk, Wildwood
- a 220 foot long and 30 foot
high mural painted by world renowned artist
George F Boyer
Historical Museum - Holly Beach Station
Mall on Pacific Avenue, Wildwood
National Marbles Hall of
Fame - 3907
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - located in the George
F Boyer Historical Museum
National Marbles Tournament
- information on tournament
and pictures from previous years
Sunset Lake and Turtle Gut Park and
- New Jersey and Miami Avenues, Wildwood
Crest - 522-0221 - Battle of Turtle Gut Inlet was the
only battle fought in Cape May County during American
Revolution in 1776
Wildwood Crest Historical
Museum - 5800
Ocean Avenue, Crest Pier, Wildwood Crest
- 729-4515
Holly Beach Station Mall -
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - traces the history of
Wildwood from the times of the Lenni Lenape
Wildwood Convention
Doo Wop Preservation League
- 3201 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood
- 884-4627
Morey's Piers
Greater Wildwood Chamber of
Wildwood's Official Homepage
Wildwood Trolley Center
- take the Doo Wop tour
Top of Page
Action Amusements
- 729-5371At the Jersey Shore Net
- North Wildwood - 898-9870
Atlantic Pier Amusement
- 4001 Boardwalk - 846-1111
Big Top Carnival of Fun
- Glenwood Avenue
and Boardwalk, Wildwood
Bill's Amusement Co -
Wildwood - 522-3064
Bobby Dee's Arcade
- 3600 Boardwalk,
Bust Em Up
- 3312
Boardwalk, Wildwood - 523-6678
Castle Casino Arcade - Bennett Avenue and Boardwalk, Wildwood - 729-5371>
Den of Lost Thieves -
3410 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 523-1991
Dinosaur Beach Adventures Theme Park
Poplar Avenue, Wildwood
Disco Fever 6
- 3410 Boardwalk, Wildwood
Dougherty Bros Entertainment
- 2318 Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 522-0044 Duke's Billiards
- 3305 Bayshore Road,
Wildwood - 898-1110
Ed's Funcade l
- 2002
Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 729-3113
Ed's Funcade ll -
2216 Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 729-3223
Elbee Variety
- 2502
Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 522-6045
Flipper's Fascination
- 410 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 522-4747
Fun Pier Karts
- 2300 Boardwalk, North
Fun Time Casino Arcade
- 2701 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 522-6157
Funtime Casino Arcade - 4012 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 523-8080
Gateway 26
- 26th and
Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 523-2600
Gift USA
- 2804 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 729-8080
Greyhound Amusements
- 2805 Boardwalk, North Wildwood -
Harbor Light Putting
- 10200 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-1221
Hawaiian Rumble Pancake House and Miniature Golf
- 25th
and Surf Avenue, Wildwood - 522-2449
Islander Raceway and Amusement Park
- 879 W Wildwood
Boulevard, Wildwood - 523-1386
Ken Dor Enterprises
- 25th and Boardwalk, North Wildood
Loughran Paul
- 3910 Boardwalk, Wildwood
MCR Concessions at Morey's Pier
- 3601 Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 523-6828
Mariners Arcade
- Schellenger Avenue and Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 522-5562
Mariners Landing - Schellenger Avenue and Boardwalk,
Morey's Piers
- Schellenger Avenue and Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 522-3900
- Mariners Landing and Raging Waters Theme Park
- Morey's Piers and Raging Waters Theme Park - 25th and
- Wildwheels and Adventure Pier - Spencer Avenue and Boardwalk
Nickels Midway Pier
- E Schellenger Avenue and Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 522-2542
Olympic Enterprises
- 2400 Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 729-2400
Park Place Family Entertainment
- 5000 Park Boulevard,
Wildwood - 522-3300
Pay Boy's Arcade
- 3900 Boardwalk, Wildwood
Pit Stop Arcade
- 4001 Boardwalk, Wildwood
Race Zone Amusements Inc
- 321 Cedar Avenue, Wildwood -
Ross Enterprises East - 118 E 22nd Avenue, North Wildwood
Samson Amusements
- 3208 Boardwalk, Wildwood
Seaport Aquarium - 3400 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 522-2700
Seaport Safari - Seaport Village Pier - 22nd and
Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 729-7627
Sightseer's Inc
- 5300 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 523-8726
- 4001 Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 523-6611
- 25th Avenue, North
Wildwood - 729-8200
- 2701 Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 846-9040
Splash Zone Waterpark - 3500
Boardwalk, Wildwood - 729-5600
Sportland Bike Rental
- 24th and Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 522-4408 Sportland Skilo
- 1900 Boardwalk,
North Wildwood - 522-1044
Stanley Sportland -
3409 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 522-1820
Stefanelli Anthony
- 3818 Boardwalk,
Ultra Neon
- 3201 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood -
Variety Casino - 3700 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 522-7639
Variety Corner
- 3700 Boardwalk,
Wildwood - 522-5689
Wildwheels Raceway and Adventure Pier
- Spencer Avenue
and Boardwalk, Wildwood - 729-3334
Wildwood Casino Arcade -
2912 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 729-5885
Wildwood Motor Sports -
2701 Boardwalk, Wildwood - 729-5278
Bradley's Bikes
- Rambler Road, Wildwood
Crest - 729-1444
Casino Pier Bike Rental and Key Shop
- 340 E Oak Avenue, Wildwood
- 522-0070
Crest Bike Rental
- 500 E Heather Road,
Wildwood Crest - 522-5763
FCI Bike Rental
- 16th and Boardwalk, North
Wildwood - 522-9191
Green's Bike Rental
- 5402 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-7786
Casino Pier Bike Rental and Key Shop
- 340 E Oak Avenue, Wildwood
- 522-0070
FCI Bike Rental
- 16th and Boardwalk, North
Wildwood - 522-9191
Green's Bike Rental
- 5402 Ocean Avenue, Wildwood
Crest - 522-7786
Harbor Light Putting
- 10200 Pacific Avenue,
Wildwood Crest - 522-1221
Sportland Bike Rental
- 24th and Boardwalk, North Wildwood - 522-4408

Anglesea Pub
- 116 W First Avenue, North Wildwood
- 729-1133
Anchor Inn
Cocktail Lounge - Davis and New
Jersey Avenues, Wildwood - 522-8433
Bayview - 8100
Bayview Drive, Sunset Lake, Wildwood Crest - 522-1287
Beach House -
Spruce and Olde New Jersey Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-7414
Beachclub's Corner Cafe
- 117 Olde New Jersey Avenue, North
Wildwood - 523-8886
Boardwalk Bar and Grill
- 3500 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood -
- Rio Grande Avenue, Wildwood -
- 100 E Walnut Avenue, North Wildwood
- 523-8711
Casba Comedy Club
- Atlantic and Spicer Avenues, Wildwood - 522-8444
Cheer's Club - 3400 Pacific Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-3900
Chiarella's Upstairs Lounge - Taylor and
New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7045
Club Dream - 3601 Pacific Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2552
Club Shakers - Shellenger and
Pacific Avenues, Wildwood - 522-6077
Corner Cafe and Tavern
- 117 Old New Jersey Avenue, North
Wildwood - 523-8886
Crest Tavern - 9600 Pacific
Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 522-1200
Donovan's Reef - 557 W
Glenwood Avenue, West Wildwood - 522-9454
Echo's - Walnut
and Olde New Jersey Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-8570
Emerald Club -
101 New Jersey Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-8080
Fairview Cafe -
3613 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 522-7300
Grand Hotel of Wildwood Crest
- Atlantic and Jefferson Avenues,
Wildwood Crest - 729-6000
H 2 0 Night Club
- 3400 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 729-3900
Henry's -
Garfield and Pacific Avenues, Wildwood - 729-6730
Hill 16 - 3400
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 729-3900
Hurricane East -
218 E Schellenger Avenue, Wildwood - 729-5449
J D McGillicuddys
- 301 New York Avenue, North Wildwood
- 522-7759
Jewell's Westside Tavern
- West Wildwood - 729-6990
Jimmy's Pub and Grub
- Spruce and New Jersey Avenues, North Wildwood - 522-7414
Jukebox Jimmy Murphy's
- 200 W Rio Grande Drive, Wildwood -
Keenan's Irish Pub
- 113 Old New Jersey Avenue, North
Wildwood - 729-3344
Kelly's Cafe -
4400 Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6817
La Piazza -
Pacific and Roberts Avenue, Wildwood - 523-8300
Lighthouse Pointe Restaurant and Bar
- 5101 Shawcrest Road, Wildwood -
Loretta's Night Club
- 101 Olde New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8187
Martinique Motel - Oak
Avenue and Boardwalk, Wildwood - 522-7771
Michaels Restaurant and Bar - 4601
New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood - 523-0099
M T Bottle -
3601 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1847
Moore's Inlet Club and Patio Bar
- 100 W Spruce Avenue, Wildwood - 522-1016
Mulligans Sports Bar and Grill
- 310 W Hildreth Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4843
- 222 E
Schellenger Avenue, Wildwood
Nile and Grove Lounge - 4200
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 522-4949
Oasis Nightclub - 3511
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 729-2919
Ocean Club Bar and Grill LLC
- 4601 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood -
Phil and Eddies Inc - 3500 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2431
Playpen Club - 3400 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood -
Poplar Cafe - Poplar
and Pacific Avenues, Wildwood - 729-3861
Quo Vadis Lounge
- 4200 Pacific Avenue, Wildwood -
Razzles Cafe - 3600
Pacific Avenue, Wildwood - 729-3111
Rib House Shipwreck Bar at Grand Hotel - 9601
Atlantic Avenue, Wildwood Crest - 729-6000
Robinson Harbor Inn
- 219 E Lincoln Avenue, Wildwood -
Seven Seas Cafe - 4601
New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood - 522-3583
Shady O's - 100
E Walnut Street, North Wildwood - 523-8711
Shamrock Cafe - Pacific
and Lincoln Avenues, Wildwood - 522-7552
Sportman's Tavern
- 3711 New Jersey Avenue, Wildwood -
Stardust Club
- 248 E Schellenger Avenue, Wildwood - 522-8503
Sunset Bay - 400
W Spruce Avenue, North Wildwood - 523-0411
Tavern - 3500 Atlantic Avenue,
Wildwood - 522-2431
Talk of the Town - Walnut
and Olde New Jersey Avenues, Wildwood - 522-8570
Tony's Island Cafe - 26th
and Delaware Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-8842
Tucker's Pub - Wildwood
and Atlantic Avenues, Wildwood - 846-1100
Westy's Irish Pub - 101
E Walnut Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-4991
Wharf - 708
W Burk Avenue, Wildwood - 522-6336
Wildwood Nights
- 3400 Pacific Avenue,
Wildwood - 729-2296
Woody's Corner - 102 E 18th
Avenue, North Wildwood - 522-3030
Top of Page

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Inquiries regarding the Code of Ethics should be
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State of
New Jersey Consumer Information Statement
1701 New Jersey Avenue - North
Wildwood, NJ 08260
Office: 609.522.4999
e-Fax: 1.866.571.9766